The Hedland Network of schools are working together to create a Professional Learning Community to support the implementation of the Western Australian Curriculum, including the Australian Curriculum, in our schools. This is a K-12 approach that promotes and supports sharing within and across schools to ensure all of our students participate in relevant, engaging and challenging learning programs focused on the Australian Curriculum. This is further facilitated through the development of support materials, resources and planning documents to assist staff with implementing the Australian Curriculum into their teaching, learning and assessment programs.

Thursday 15 August 2013

Planning Documents

As part of our Professional Learning Community, the teachers at Port Hedland Primary School collaborated to design a planning proforma. We used the planning document devised by Woodlands PS as part of their role as a Teacher Development School, as a springboard, and tailored it to meet the specific needs if the teachers and students in our context.

The document provides you with the Year Level Description so that you can set the context of your teaching/learning program. You can then identify the Content Description/s that you will teach and assess against-the what.

The back page of the document allows you to plan how you will teach the content, with visual reminders of some of the instructional strategies that you may choose to use in your lesson. We have also included a table to record the types of literature you used with your class to ensure a wide variety of text types are used in your teaching/learning programs.